Personal Projects

These are some of the Sassy projects that I worked on / built recently.

Offer Generator

A Loan Offer Generator built on Java and Spring Boot. Has support for custom domain languages and flexibility to add multiple configurable rules.

Real Estate Blockchain

A Real Estate project based on BlockChain. Makes use of NFT's for ownership and Solidity for the Sale of a property.

Flash Loans

A flash loan simulation using AAVE protocol and Solidity. This is one of my first projects in the Web3 space.

P2P Order Matching

This is a P2P Order Matching system that can be used for Trading. It uses Kademlia, a Distributed Hash table for ultra low latent load balancing and service discovery.

Mock Server

A Mock Server built on NodeJS, Prisma and Postgres. Supports dynamic mocks, proxying requests to downstream API's. Completely configuration driven.

Ticket Sell

Ticket Sell is an online ticket selling application built with Microservices architecture. It makes use of NodeJS, MongoDB, Docker for buidling the individual microservice and NATS Streaming Server for Asynchronous Communucation between them.

Personal Website

This is the website you are currently looking at. It runs on a Headless CMS called Storyblok and is powered by Node JS to do Server Side React Rendering.


This one is a Project Management App built using Java, Spring Boot on the backend and React, Redux on the frontend. It is very simple in terms of functionality as the name suggests but it gets the job done.


OneChat is a Video Chat Web Application built on top of WebRTC. It makes use of Web Sockets to Signal information among the peers and React on the Frontend.

Toby the Chatbot

Toby is a chatbot built on Google's DialogFlow and NodeJS. He recommends some of the popular Youtube channels and also is humorous.

Hungry Cobra

This is a classic snake game built using plain HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It's super fun and has a couple of settings that you could tweak based on your comfort zone.