• Apostrophe CMS
  • Covid-19 Scenarios

Apostrophe CMS

Apostrophe is a Content Management System built on top of Node Js and MongoDB. Here's the link to the official website https://apostrophecms.com/. Had a great time collaborating with the Authors.

Apostrophe Core

https://github.com/apostrophecms/apostrophe/pull/1829 - Addresses a Production Bug

https://github.com/apostrophecms/apostrophe/pull/1842 - Improves the UX on the CMS

https://github.com/apostrophecms/apostrophe/pull/1956 - Fixes an Open Redirect vulnerability on the CMS

https://github.com/apostrophecms/apostrophe/pull/2010- Implements drag and drop inside the Viewer.

Apostrophe Workflow

https://github.com/apostrophecms/apostrophe-workflow/pull/263 - Fixes a critical bug with the core workflow of the CMS.

https://github.com/apostrophecms/apostrophe-workflow/pull/274/files - Fixes a CSS Issue with some of the modals.

Covid-19 Scenarios

It is a web application serves as an interactive planning tool for COVID-19 outbreaks in communities across the world. You could read more about it here. https://covid19-scenarios.org

Covid-19 Scenarios

https://github.com/neherlab/covid19_scenarios/pull/87/ - Fixes the alignment issues on Mobile Screens

https://github.com/neherlab/covid19_scenarios/pull/ - Addresses an UX issue while generating the report on Mobile Screens.